Categories: General Optometry

Daily vs. Monthly Contact Lenses

If you are buying contact lenses for the first time, you’ll be given the choice between daily and monthly types. Today, we take a look at the key differences between these types of contact lenses and help you determine which type is best for you. 

What Are the Differences?

Daily contact lenses are also known as “disposables” and are intended to be worn for a day at the most and discarded when removed. These contacts are very thin and have a high water content. Natural deposits from the eyes build up easily on the surface, which makes them unsuitable for reuse.

In comparison, monthly contact lenses are reusable and are replaced on a monthly basis. These contacts are much thicker and more durable than daily contact lenses. They need to be disinfected regularly to prevent eye problems, such as eye infections. Special contact lenses like scleral lenses are typically replaced monthly.

Which One Is Best for You?

Daily and monthly contact lenses have their pros and cons. The key advantage of using daily contact lenses is convenience – you can simply dispose of them after taking them off. You won’t have to bring a carrying case and contact solution as you would with monthly contacts. It’s important to note that it is not safe to sleep wearing daily contacts. Doing so may result in tiny rips or tears in the cornea and increase the risk of inflammation and abrasions.

Monthly contact lenses can be inconvenient if you’re using them for the first time. You have to make sure that they’re properly disinfected and stored after every use, and must be replaced on the dates as prescribed by your eye doctor. You will also have to make sure that you have a bottle of contact solution and a carrying case or two at all times. Beyond these slight inconveniences, monthly contacts have certain advantages: the upfront cost is typically lower, and they’re more oxygen-permeable, which makes some types safe to wear when sleeping.

If you need further advice on choosing the right type of contact lens, consult your local eye doctor.

Insight Vision Center Optometry is your leading provider of eye care and vision therapy services. Give us a call at (714) 486-3315. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, CA.

Insight Vision Center Optometry

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