Categories: General Optometry

How Can You Alleviate Computer Eye Strain?

Most people with desk jobs have to look at screens for around nine hours daily. At the end of the day, they may experience headaches, dry eyes or blurred vision. However, working adults are not the only ones affected by computer vision syndrome (CVS). Kids who use mobile gadgets for schoolwork can have issues as well, especially if they work in a place with bad lighting. 

Here, we explain what computer eye strain is and how you can alleviate it.

What Causes Eye Strain

Do you know that humans blink about 15 to 20 times per minute? By doing so, we spread tears evenly over our eyes, keeping them from getting dry and irritated. However, according to researchers, people blink less than half as often while reading, watching or staring at a computer screen. Other factors like the contrast of text against the background, the glare and screen flickering exacerbates eye strain further.

While there’s no proof that computer use causes long-term damage to the eyes, regular use can cause discomfort and symptoms, such as double vision, eye irritation, neck or back pain, among other things. 

How to Alleviate Eye Strain

Fortunately, there are many ways you can give your strained eyes a break. We share a few helpful tips here:

  • Give your eyes a much-needed break. Consider following the 20-20-20 rule. Look away from the screen every 20 minutes, and focus on an object 20 feet away for about 20 seconds. If your eyes feel moist, blink often. If they are dry, use eye drops.
  • Cut the glare. To reduce the effect on your computer screen, change the lighting around you. If a window casts a glare, you may want to move your monitor and close the shades. A dimmer switch for the overhead fixtures or a desk lamp with a moveable shade may also help.
  • Rearrange your desk and computer settings. The best position for your monitor is slightly below eye level. It should be about 20 to 28 inches away from your face, so you wouldn’t have to stretch your neck or strain your eyes to see your screen. To boost comfort levels, adjust the brightness, contrast and font size of your computer.

If you still have problems despite following these tips, get in touch with our eye doctors at Insight Vision Center Optometry. We are more than glad to assist you with any issues you might be experiencing. Call us today at (714) 486-3315, or fill out our contact form to set an appointment. We offer services in Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and the surrounding areas.

Insight Vision Center Optometry

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